Ресторан "Русь"
Завтраки тут шикарные, ребята
141 m vom Hotel entfernt
Ein Guide für tolle Orte in der Nähe von Olympic Hotel
The 2005 Eurovision Song Contest was held here. Touch the walls and get connected to the Eurovision history. Then take a photo and share the experience!
307 m vom Hotel entfernt
пл. Спортивна, 1
Милая терраса, уютная. Мужички в костюмчиках ;) . Сырники возьмите утром, овощной суп в обед, штрудель на полдник и утиную грудку вечером. Для пикантности типса: телочек здесь мало ;))))))
320 m vom Hotel entfernt
вул. Мечникова, 2
Tipping by credit card is accepted. Cool!
0.5 km vom Hotel entfernt
вул. Шота Руставелі, 11
Best breakfasts in town.They serve them from 6 to 12. Try "Kievskiy breakfast",it's simply magnificent! Favorite place ever
0.7 km vom Hotel entfernt
вул. Червоноармійська, 21
Best wine shop in Kiev and now for daily food too ! Buy your fantastic American steaks and best wine to competitive prices even compared with outside Ukraine !!!!
0.7 km vom Hotel entfernt
вул. Мечнікова, 9
Its so interesting park, cuz it's not like other parks, this near round but it looks like really good and relax, interesting. When u will be here-go in this park!
1.1 km vom Hotel entfernt
вул. Володимирська